We Are All Human Turns New York City into a Focal Point of Latino Celebration
New York, NY, May 28th, 2024 - The We Are All Human Foundation proudly announces Hispanic Star Week 2024, hosted in New York City during the first week of December. This groundbreaking series of events will elevate the Latino community by celebrating its rich heritage, fostering unity, and showcasing the significant contributions of Latinos to society.
The Latino community has seen a profound rise in unity and pride in recent years. The Hispanic Sentiment Study demonstrates a shift in the perception of Latinos, with 48% now asserting that Hispanics form a distinct community in the U.S., up from 14% in 2018. This study highlights a growing awareness and the influential role Latinos play in shaping the future. Hispanic Star Week is designed to share Latino stories and honor their heroes, marking a significant step towards changing perceptions and breaking stereotypes.
Historically, the Latino narrative has often been shaped by external forces, reducing Hispanic’s diverse cultures to stereotypes. Over the past five years, we have countered these stereotypes with facts and realistic portrayals. The community is reclaiming its Latinidad, heritage, and place in society. Hispanic Star Week represents a victory in the battle for identity, going beyond Hispanic Heritage Month to provide more opportunities for celebration and recognition.
Hispanic Star Week will turn New York City into a focal point of Latino pride and progress with a series of impactful events:
The summit will feature up-to-date data, insights, and prominent speakers focusing on two crucial subjects: the $3.4 billion purchasing power of Latino consumers and the findings of the second Hispanic Sentiment Study on perceptions of Latinos.
The summit will feature up-to-date data, insights, and prominent speakers focusing on two crucial subjects: the $3.4 billion purchasing power of Latino consumers and the findings of the second Hispanic Sentiment Study on perceptions of Latinos.
The fourth annual Gala raises funds to support the Foundation’s efforts to uplift the Hispanic Community and showcase their influence in the U.S.
Media companies, festival organizers, and all interested parties are invited to join this effort to make their own imprint on Hispanic Star Week. Fashion shows, art galleries, concerts, and theater performances celebrating Latino talent are all encouraged. This week is a momentous occasion to define the Latino narrative for years to come.
“With Latinos, everything is possible. Hispanic Star Week is more than an event; it is an extraordinary opportunity for the Latino community to come together. With events like the Hispanic Star Gala and Marc Antony’s annual Maestro Cares Gala that is already a part of early December, we will raise our profile, showcase our community, and make these events the 'Met Gala' for Latinos.” said Claudia Romo Edelman, Founder and CEO of We Are All Human Foundation.
For more information on Hispanic Star Week and how to participate, please visit www.hispanicstar.org/gala.
The We Are All Human Foundation (WAAH) is a registered (501c3) non-profit. The WAAH's mission is to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion. The We Are All Human Foundation has mobilized more than 300 companies to create more inclusive environments and provide assistance to the underserved.
The Hispanic Star is a brand that acts as a platform to unite businesses, non-profits, community leaders, and celebrities to accelerate the advancement of Hispanics in the US and to improve perception by celebrating the incredible contributions of Latinos to the country’s progress.
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The Hispanic Star is a brand and platform created by the We Are All Human Foundation.
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